San Antonio

Ramirez Vasquez Oscar, Idrogo Gallardo Marcos and Augusto Torres and own small farms located in the village of San Antonion. They harvest and process coffee on their small farms.






Caturra and Catuai

Meet The Producers

Ramirez Vasquez Oscar, Idrogo Gallardo Marcos and Augusto Torres own small farms based in the San Antonio Village in Huabal, a region within the Jaén province of Cajamarca. The lot is made up of exclusively Caturra and Catuai which perform well in the high altitudes of the highlands of Cajamarca.

Harvesting & Processing

Coffee was carefully hand harvested on each of the three farms and left to rest/ferment in sacks overnight. In the morning the coffee was pulped using a hand pulper to remove the outer layer of fruit. The coffee was then dried on raised african style beds and moved regularly to ensure even drying.