Colombia - Monteblanco Purple Caturra
Varietal – Purple Caturra
Preparation – Natural
Location – Municipality of Acevedo
Altitude – 1750 masl
Farm Overview
Monteblanco farm is located in the Municipality of Acevedo, San Adolfo Jurisdiction in the village of La Tocora, at an altitude of 1730 m above sea level. In its surroundings, we can find the Cueva de los Guácharos National Natural Park, which is one of the 59 protected areas of the Colombian National Natural Parks system.
Monteblanco is a family farm managed by Rodrigo Sánchez Valencia in the coffee growing tradition he started with his grandfather. The 14 hectares of Monteblanco have been cultivated with a range of varietals that include Geisha, Bourbon Rosado, Pacamara, Caturra Purpura, Caturra Rojo among others.
Harvesting and Processing:
The coffee is very carefully hand harvested from purple Caturra trees. This is a sub-varietal of Caturra with coffee cherry that ripens to a deep purple colour.
Defective cherries are sorted out using water flotation and then the ripe coffee cherries are placed in a solar dryer for five days. After initial drying they are moved to raised table drying in the shade. The moisture content of the cherries is monitored throughout the process and cherries are turned to avoid the formation of any mold or mildew or collection of moisture.
Tasting Notes:
This is a stunning natural processed coffee that showcases the amazing flavour profile of purple Caturra. With a cup score of 87+ you can expect a wide range of intense fruit notes that include tamarind, honey and cocoa powder.
This coffee works well for all brew methods.
Filter: Dose 15g, water 250g.
Espresso: Dose 17 gram to 40 gram yield over about 30 seconds.
This coffee is available as wholebean and pre ground but we recommend always grinding fresh before brewing. We sell a range of grinders if you would like to grind this coffee fresh at home.