Uganada natural processed coffee of the month

Uganada natural processed coffee of the month

Uganda Natural Coffee of the month

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Varietal – SL28 and SL14
Preparation – Natural
Location – Kisinga washing station, Rwenzori
Altitude – 1700 masl
Importer - Omwani Coffee

Our latest coffee of the month is a juicy natural processed coffee from Uganda. As many of our customers know we are great fans of African coffees, they have an incredible range of varietals, volcanic soil and produce amazing washed and naturals. This amazing coffee was brought to us by Omwani Coffee, a small coffee business dedicated to supporting coffee producers in Uganda.

Uganda coffee processing

This coffee comes from the Bukonzo tribal lands in Rwenzori, Western Uganda. Like most coffees produced in Africa this comes from a collective communicty processing facility (often referred to as a washing station) that processes coffee delivered from up to 500 small hold farmers. Most small hold farmers grow a variety of food based crops and coffee is often one of the only cash based products that they produce.

Coffee is hand harvested and delivered to the washing station. Farmers receive a cash payment based on the weight delivered. Coffee is then flotated in tanks to removed defects. After flotation the coffee is laid out to dry on raised tables inside plastic poly tunnels. Drying under cover like this means that the coffee doesn't need to be covered with plastic at night or during rain shows and helps to ensure even airflow and consitent drying. 

Tasting Notes:

This is a great example of a rich, juicy natural processed coffee and tasting notes include strawberry, tropical fruits, ripe berries and caramel sweetness. 


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