Colombia Geisha Coffee - Limited Edition

Colombia Geisha Coffee - Limited Edition

Colombia Experimental micro lot coffees

We are very excited to have recently release our new Limited Edition Microlot coffees. We've always been big fans of unique and unusual small microlots with high cupping scores, typically 85+ on the 100 point SCA coffee scoring system.
This year we had an amazing opportunity to purchase 3 stunning experimental process microlots from our friends at iFinca. Their online platform connects coffee producers with roasters, cafes and coffee drinkers around the world. They have supplied us with three amazing 35kg microlots that have been processed using unique and unusual methods. These processing methods have helped to elevate the cup score with all of these scoring 88+ (graded by HCR owner and founder Bradley, a licensed Q grader).

Our first coffee is a Geisha coffee varietal. This amazing coffee comes from La Riviera, a farm owned and operated by Julio Madrid. This is a large farm covering 130 hectares but is broken down into smaller plots allowing traceability and varietal seperation. They grow 9 different varietals including Geisha and Pink Bourbon.

This particular microlot was harvested from Colombia Geisha coffee varietal trees with cherry ripeness at a brix reading of over 18. Brix is a measurement of sugar content within the cherry and a great way determine cherry ripeness. After harvesting the coffee was stored in sacks for 12 hrs allowing the temperature of the cherry mass to rise to 35 degrees celsius. The coffee was then transferred to large plastic bags which were sealed and stored for 3 days at a cool temperature of 13-15 degrees celsius. After storage the coffee was washed in a flotation tank to remove any remaining defects and dried in a solar drier for 20 days.

The main difference between this style of natural process and traditional methods is the initial storage of the coffee cherry. Doing this kick starts a fermentation process that alters the flavour compounds developed within the coffee bean. The results are stunning! Not only do they have an interesting, low yield varietal know for producing great great coffee but also an interesting experimental processing method.

We have a very limited amout of this coffee, just 120 x 250g bags and when it's gone it's gone! 

After this we will be releasing two other stunning experimental lots. A Pink Bourbon Carbonic Maceration and a Red Bourbon natural. Keep an eye out for these in the New Year!
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